SPRING CUP Tournament
The Region 37 Spring Cup will be played May 13 through May 17, 2024
10U through 17U teams will be eligible to play in the Region 37 Spring Cup, provided they meet the following tournament eligibility requirements:
Teams must have attained a minimum 28 referee points.
Attain a minimum of 65 Sportsmanship points
Fulfill Tent Duty Assignments
Submit a completed Spring Cup application before the deadline of May 5, 2024
Coaches must submit player ratings.
Team entry applications must be completed online by May 5, 2024.
Teams MUST supply a currently registered and certified referee to be the Assistant Referee for EVERY game they play. 10U through 14U teams will also have a referee assignment either before or after their game. Failure to supply the required referee may result in the teams forfeit from the tournament.
Spring Cup Application
Player Ratings Form
Accepted Teams
Teams accepted pending player ratings, volunteer duties, and sportsmanship requirements are completed
***You can not miss your last center referee assignment or you forfeit playing in the tournament***
***Brackets seeded by week 7 standings***