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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 37: Corona/Norco


Check-In Procedure

All coaches for all age groups (U6 - U19) must check in at the appropriate field tent.

The check-in procedure protects the children and the volunteers by helping to ensure that we have current, certified volunteers interacting with the children. All coach and referee volunteers MUST have a current volunteer form on file with AYSO, have attended and passed the appropriate class/training (including Safe Haven and Concussion Awareness) and have a current AYSO Region 37 photo ID.

Coaches and assistant coaches should check-in 20 minutes before the start of their match. Coaches and assistant coaches must show:

  1. AYSO Region 37Virtual Badge
  2. Medical release forms for the players
  3. Roster
  4. Please print your name on the check-in form
It is recommended that assistant coaches attend a coaching class and become certified. We cannot have a match if there is not a certified coach available. Non-certified assistant coaches or team managers cannot act as a coach (during the match or practice). If a coach cannot attend a match or practice, find a certified coach to take your place. 

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Region Board

AYSO Region 37: Corona/Norco

330 S Maple St, Suite A
Corona, California 92878

Email Us: [email protected]
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