AYSO Region 37 Changes to the Fall 2020 Season
AYSO Covid Procedures Video
COVID-19 has caused all sports organizations to rethink the services they provide to their players and families. We at AYSO Region 37 are determined to meet the challenges ahead and create a soccer program to be an example to all sports organizations. The following are changes AYSO Region will be implementing for the upcoming fall season to adhere to requirements made by Riverside County and the Cities of Corona and Norco:
Failure to follow the following guidelines can result in removal from team and/or region for players and coaches
Parents will not send players experiencing COVID symptoms to practice
Coaches will ask every player if they have signs/symptoms of COVID prior to practice. Sending those home that are showing signs/symptoms.
Players will wear masks to and from the field. No masks will be worn during practices.
NO SCRIMMAGING of any type
Practices limited to 1 hour in duration at the beginning of the season.
Practices limited to 1 time from Monday through Thursday. If a second practice is held, it will be held on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. This can be changed once impact of teams and social distancing is determined.
Parents will stay in their vehicles and/or perimeter of park/sidewalks, thus giving teams plenty of room to practice and maintain social distancing standards. NO PARENTS ON THE FIELD, only coaches.
Spacing fields out to minimize sideline interactions between parents, players, and volunteers. New field maps to the right.
The time between games will be increased. Currently, most games start within about 10 minutes of the previous games starting. We will push back games to have a minimum 30 minutes between games.
Create distancing guidelines where parents are required to stay 8 feet from the sideline of the field and spread out across the entire sideline. See map detail to the right.
Stop all high-5 lines and parent tunnels at the end of the game. This will be replaced with players and coaches coming to the center circle and clapping for all the players. Also, we will be launching a sportsmanship pin giveaway at the end of the game. Each coach will be given a pin at check-in to be given out to the player from the opposite team demonstrating sportsmanship consistent with the AYSO philosophies.
Hand sanitizing stations at the check-in tent. Coaches and referees would be asked to sanitize prior to reporting to their games. Players would also be given the opportunity to sanitize at the check-in tent. Coaches and players can sanitize balls and cones prior to pracitces/games.
Make masks optional for parents. They will not be allowed for players, coaches, and referees due to overriding medical concerns of players exerting themselves with face coverings.
Teams forgo community snacks at halftime and the end of the game, asking parents to bring individual snacks for their players. Also, players are not to share water while at AYSO events.
Recommend coaches wash and sanitize all coaching equipment after each game and practice.